it was mid-term exam last week.
it's like living in hell.
damn hell...
(Taiwan English)
"Water deep fire hot"
i hate one of teachers.
she changes mind so quickly, bad temper.
i dont like her. damn it!
the way she treats students is bad!
we are supposed to be teach by you.
we are not going to teach you how to teach!
to my one of dear classmate,
well, it's just 3 English magazines with chinese i took from pub.
did you have to say s'thing like that??? reading's not a big deal, ok?!
said "wow, you guys are great with English", "did you buy those books from book stores?"...etc...
and you dont have to raised your voice and talk to us like that!
damn it, i complained a lot.
but i just wanna say, it's not a big deal.
dont take it seriously
i need to be serious when i drive.
i have some feeling that is not ok when i drive.
it's the feeling that i had before in March last year.
which was car accident feeling.
pls...i dont wanna make troubles again.
pls...bad feeling go away, go away.

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